Polish Your Poems with Brian Evans-Jones

 Flagstaff Writers Connection 

is pleased to present a 

Poetry Workshop 


Brian Evan-Jones.

April 30th
12-3 pm

The hardest part of poetry isn’t writing the first version: it’s knowing how you can redraft to make your idea fulfill its potential. Even experienced poets can find themselves scared to push a poem as far as it will go, while beginners may not know what to do beyond changing a word here or there. In this workshop, poet and teacher Brian Evans-Jones will show you how you can radically rework your poems in three vital areas: structure and overall ideas, form and approach, and power of language. Through practical writing exercises, you’ll learn key things you can do to take a poem from OK to good, or good to great! 


Suitable for all levels. 

Please bring 2-3 unfinished poem drafts of your own to work on.

Register Here

Comments from Other Participants in Brian’s Workshops 

“Great workshop, really enjoyable and well executed!”

“Brilliant, will definitely help in the future.”

 “Very inspirational.”

“Really great workshop. I feel much less scared about attempting poetry. I am pleased with my progress today and the constructive feedback.”

“Brian’s enthusiasm was infectious.”

“A valuable experience that I'm sure will help me to improve my writing.”

“It was wonderful to get exposure to a fine teacher. A different view, many wonderful points and observations and you were so generous in your instruction.”

“I loved all the tips/methods you recommended we try to use in our poems.”

“I liked your participation with our work, including suggestions.”

“Enjoyed selection of poems; liked having aspects of craft pointed out.”

“Thank you so much for a great workshop; it was wonderful to work with you again.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop.”

Brian Evans-Jones is a former Poet Laureate of Hampshire, England. He won the 2017 Maureen Egen Award from Poets & Writers and his poems have appeared in competitions, magazines, and art events in America and the UK. He has also taught hundreds of poets in workshops, courses, and online in both countries. Through his monthly poetry club Poetry Parlor, he specializes in helping poets of all levels learn how to improve their individual poems and their knowledge of the craft. He publishes free resources on poetry and creativity at his website The Poetry Place.

Build Your Own Website with Google



Build Your Own Author Website 



Join us at

Noon (MST) 



on Google Meet

(Instructions to join the meeting.)


Firecreek Coffee in Flagstaff

22 W Historic Rte 66, Flagstaff, AZ
Mobile COVID-19 testing kicks off at Xavier University | Uptown Messenger

Due to a 10% rise in Covid Cases in AZ the live portion of this workshop has been canceled.

Before the Workshop

This webinar will show you how to work with Sites. Press "Register to Watch on Demand" button.


1. Introductions.

2. Create Your Own Custom Website on Google in about 90 min or so. What you will need:

  • A Computer
  • A high speed internet connection.
  • $12 to register a domain name for a year with Google. I recommend a version of your real name or your pen name, like StephenKing.com. If you have a common last name, try using "author" before your first initial or first name and then your last name. "AuthorSKing.com"
  • Pictures that you own or that are in the public domain, so you are allowed to use them on your website. Think about a banner picture and a picture of your lovely face at least.
  • Some words. A description of what your site is about. Your bio. Your first blog post. Some content.
  • •  Brainstorm what you want your website to do. Get you speaking gigs? Be a place to showcase a screenplay? Sell your novels? Accumulate a fandom? Just for your family and friends? Store important files? A hub for your critique group? Make a list of what you want your website to do.
  • •  How do you want visitors to your website to react? Buy something? Sign up for your newsletter? Make a comment? Make another list.

Drive Folder of Worksheets for this Event (Under construction)

3. Accountability Moment: 

  • We will state a plan for the next month.

See more about the Pub Club at Our Website

Contact us at PubClub@FlagWriter.com