AZ Authors Association Literary Contest and Awards
***Entry Form***
Unpublished Categories Published Book Categories
Poems Fiction
Short Stories/Essays/Narrative Nonfiction
Essays, Articles, True Stories Juvenile/Young Adult
Novel, Novella Oldie but Goldie
First Prize All Categories
$100 & Publication or feature in Arizona Literary Magazine
Second Prize All Categories
$50 & publication or feature in Arizona Literary Magazine
Third Prize All Categories
$25 & publication or feature in Arizona Literary Magazine
First & Second Prize Winners
In Poetry, Essay, Short Story
Nomination for the Pushcart Prize
All Winners, Including Honorable Mention, will be featured in the Arizona Authors Literary Magazine. Since it began in 1978, the Arizona Literary Magazine has launched the careers of many authors.

Contest Rules & Submission Guidelines
- Winners in unpublished categories automatically consign first serial rights to Arizona Authors Association (right to print an excerpt in Arizona Literary Magazine first). If an entry is published after the deadline, the author must withdraw that entry.
- Winning entries will be published or featured in the 2022 Arizona Literary Magazine.
- Entries will be accepted now until postmark no later than July 1, 2019.
- Unpublished categories: Three copies of each entry must be provided. No author name anywhere other than on entry forms.
- Published categories: Two copies of each entry. Published E-books must be submitted in print & bound form like a gallery or ARC.
- All published books including E-books must include ISBN, copyright dates, and publisher information.
- Except for poems, all unpublished manuscripts must be double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins, stapled or paper clipped.
- Page numbers & titles on header—all pages.
- For multiple entries fill out a separate entry form for each entry. You may copy form from our website or photocopy from an original.
- Unpublished novels & novellas must be completed and available upon the judge’s request.
- Manuscripts will not be returned except with critiques. Published books will be donated.
- All finalists will be notified in advance of awards.
- The judges reserve the right to switch the category for an entry, to cancel a category if the number of entries is insufficient, or to decide not to have a winner if the level of the best entries is not up to publishing industry standards.
- Any entry not following guidelines will be disqualified without notifying the author. No refunds to disqualified
>>>DEADLINE: July 1, 2022<<<